MyChoice Clinic is a collection of programs providing medical care and practical resources to women and men who are impacted by unplanned pregnancy, sexual trauma or issues of sexual health.
Path of Life is a Resource Center that offers Christ-centered hope and resources for pregnancy, postabortive help, sexual health and relational wholeness.
Prepares serve families during pregnancy up to their child's 5th birthday with free gently used and new clothing in sizes newborn to 5 and an emergency bundle of diapers.
SRHD Nurse-Family Partnership program helps transform the lives of moms and their babies. This program allows nurses to deliver the support moms need to have a healthy pregnancy, become knowledgeable and responsible parents, and provide their babies with the best possible start in life. From pregnancy until the child turns 2 years old.
We number thousands of members and associates, and held the title of “special interest group” within ACOG for 40 years, from 1973 until 2013, until ACOG discontinued the designation of “special interest group.”Our purpose is to reaffirm the unique value and dignity of individual human life in all stages of growth and development from fertilization onward.Strong voices within our culture (and within our professional College) espouse elective abortion on demand as a standard of care for unwanted pregnancies. Often perinatologists are quick to recommend abortion as a “final solution” for “defective” in utero babies. We oppose these values. Be assured that there are many in this specialty who hold our view of the intrinsic value of all human life. We view the physician’s role as a caregiver, responsible, as far as possible, for the well-being of both the mother and her unborn child.